We've got a big day coming up tomorrow so everyone needs to make sure they get a good night's rest so we aren't at each other's throats by the end of the evening. :-)
Dress rehearsal is starting at 2:30 sharp. We will go until around 7 pm. BRING SNACKS. Don't plan on a dinner break. Have something small you can snack on in between dances. Your hair needs to be done. You don't have to have your makeup done. Full costumes.
BASKETS are DUE from everyone tomorrow morning at 7:15! Ladies, look over your dances and see what you'll need. I'm bringing a nude top and bottom, and then wearing a black tank top, black shorts, and black leggings over those. Make sure you have each of those pieces. NO BRA STRAPS.
Here is the list again. Go through, and if it is not on the hangers already at school, then you are responsible to bring it for tomorrow.
Girls- Black Leggings, Tan/Black tops, underclothesBoys- Black Joggers, Tan/Black topsBailey:Girls- Black Leggings, Black Tank Top, Blue/Yellow Button Up underclothesBoys- Black Joggers, Light Blue/Light Yellow ShirtBrecca:Girls- Black shorts, Black Tank, High low dressBoy- Black Joggers, White ShirtKenna:Girls- Black bikers, Grey/Black Ripped dressBoys- Black joggers, Black Ripped ShirtAlli:Girls- Yellow, Blue, White or Red Dress UnderclothesBoys- Black Joggers, Red ShirtTrio:Black Shorts, Flannel ShirtHolly: Girls: underclothes for white dresses
AGAIN: THIS IS ALL TO BE BROUGHT IN A LAUNDRY BASKET AT 7:15 AM TOMORROW.Cello:Girls- Tan Bra/Shorts, Tan DressBoys- Tan Joggers, Black Wife BeatersReally Real:Black, White, Grey, Sneakers.Church:Girls- Church dress or skirt, Cardigan SweaterBoys- Dress shirt, Dress Pants, Tie/Bow tie, Sneakers, Vest/Hat/Suspenders.
HAIR: Girls: Parted on either side, twists on both sides all the way down to a low bun. Make sure it is PINNED tightly. Also, you MUST have a hair net to hold in those gorgeous locks. No exceptions. Your buns needs to be a twisty flat one, not those kind that stick far out.
If you have more questions you can ask me.
Choreographers you need to be PREPARED. You will only have about 15 minutes to get all three lighting cues set and to run your piece with them. Have them ready!!
DANCERS: In order for tomorrow to run smoothly, we need absolute positivity, responsibility, respect, and hard work. Keep yourself hydrated, fed, and happy. Your mom won't be there! Everyone needs to be at the top of their game! Any questions, as always, ask me!
See you at 7:15!!